It is a perfect match for Viewers & Editors in the Design & Photo category. The latest version of iMovie is 9.0 on Mac Informer. Apple iMovie 10.0.9 Activated For Mac OS X FREE DOWNLOAD. Home Mac OS X Apple Apps Apple iMovie 10.0.9 Activated For Mac OS X FREE DOWNLOAD. IMovie 11 comes with the ability to make trailers for home movies, more control over audio (voiceover included), rewind/instant replay, facial recognition, news themes, and the ability to watch the. It has reinvented the editing features to some extent. iMovie '11 (Version 9.0) was released on Octoas part of the iLife '11 package. How to Install Old Versions Of iMovie on OS X Yosemite Using A Official Apple Update File Package - Duration: 5:12. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate. IMovie 10.1.14 - Edit personal videos and share them.