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Crucially, since the detailed nature of this work requires even the Qur’anic letters to be carefully studied (let alone the chapters, verses and words), one of the implications of the numeric miracle is that the Qur’an is a Book that has never been tampered with. Al Salah In summary, the goal behind this work is to present a new type of evidence – literal, tangible evidence, perhaps – that through the simple language of numbers, God Almighty has structured the very foundations of the Noble Qur’an in a manner which cannot be imitated by man. Kata Kunci : Jinas qaṣidah Burdah Imam al-Buṣiri.īy: AbdulDaem Al-Kaheel Translated by Mohammed R. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa Jinas dalam qaṣidah Burdah ditemukan berceceran dan banyak tersebar di bait-bait yang jumlahnya 172. Dalam kajian linguistik umum, Jinas disejajarkan dengan istilah homonim, homofon, dan homograf. Secara garis besar pembahasan Jinas berpusat pada kata yang memiliki kesamaan bunyi dan bentuk namun memiliki makna yang berbeda. Jinas sendiri merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak cabang dan macam dari Muḥassināt al-Lafẓiyyah (cara memperindah bahasa pada tataran kata) yang terangkum dalam kategori ilmu Badî'. Sementara teori Jinas merupakan objek formal yang akan dijadikan pisau analisis pada tulisan ini. Qaṣidah Burdah karya Imam al-Buṣiri pada tulisan ini merupakan objek materialnya. The results of this study revealed that the Jinas in Qasidah Burdah found scattered in the 172 couplets. In the study of general linguistics, Jinas equated with the term homonym, homophones, and homograph. Broadly speaking, Jinas discussion centered on words that have similar sounds and shapes but have different meanings. While the theory of Jinas a formal object that will be used as a knife analysis in this paper, Jinas itself is one of the many branches and kinds of Muḥassināt al-Lafẓiyyah (how embellish language at the level of the word) summarized in the Badi' science category. JINAS DALAM QAṢIDAH BURDAH IMAM AL-BUṢIRI (Studi Analilis Balaghah) Oleh : Nur Huda Abstract Qasidah Burdah of Imam al-Busiri is a material object in this paper.

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